Suicide Prevention Engagement Events

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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Suicide Prevention Partnership

Suicide Prevention Engagement Events

If you are someone with experience of suicidal thoughts and depression or who has been affected by suicide, we would welcome your opinion and feedback to improve suicide prevention in the community.

Please come and join in the discussions with others with similar experiences to help improve local suicide prevention services.

Refreshments will be provided – tea/coffee cakes and there will be a free raffle for all who attend with your chance to win a small hamper.

Please just come along on the day to either of the following venues:

Tuesday 5th December 11am – 1pm
Peterborough City College
Brook Street,

Wednesday 6th December 2pm – 4pm
The Edge Café,
351, Mill Rd, Cambridge

For more information, please contact Rob: or phone 07710022610