
Measures taken on this website

This website has been designed and developed to be accessible and usable to as many people as possible by following the UK Disability Discrimination Act (1995). We have included accessibility checks in every step of our design and build process to ensure it is as accessible as possible, whether or not you have any disabilities and regardless of your experience of using the Internet.


Visual design and type size

On the left-hand side of the header and in the footer of each page is an accessibility toolbar with the options to adjust contrast, switch to grayscale view or increase font size. Alternatively, you can change the font size. You can usually do this in a Tools, Options or View menu depending on your browser.



All images have alternative text equivalents so if you cannot see the images you can still use the site. Purely decorative graphics include null ALT attributes (“).



All external links have TITLE attributes, which describe the link and its destination in greater detail. All links are signified by underlined text, not just colour.